Saturday, February 19, 2011

Congratulations to Rancho Solano National Junior Honor Society New Members

Markow-Kent Photography would like to congratulate the 23 newest members of Rancho Solano Private Schools National Junior Honor Society.  The new candidates have become valuable members of our community through service and are promising leaders of tomorrow.

We were very pleased to attend the ceremony on Thursday night and wish you all continued success!

If you or your school have an upcoming event and are interested in Markow-Kent's services to help you celebrate and remember, give the studio a call at 602-264-6404 and we would be more than happy to discuss the details with you.

Friday, February 11, 2011

From NO to YES!

Sometimes it can be very hard to go from this . . .

                   TO THIS!

Working with little ones can be quite the workout for everyone.  From the parents to the photographer, we all need a snack and a nap when we are done!  We love working with children of all ages
and attitudes, so give us a call when you are ready for your child's next photography session.  We look forward to seeing you :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Contemplative Business Image

Showing your personality in a business image does not always mean having a headshot taken.  It is true that every professional should have a strong headshot ready to go for articles, websites and announcements.  That being said, there are times when, as a person as well as a professional, you may be featured in a magazine or blog article where more of a lifestyle approach to imagery would fit the article better.

So, the next time you want to update your look, consider some candid shots along with updating your headshot.  The variety of looks may have you upstaging the competition.  Give Markow-Kent a call today to discuss the options!